Board of Forestry

Mission and Purpose

The Board of Forestry is an advisory board established for the purpose of advising the Governor and the Department of Forestry on the state of the forest resources within the Commonwealth and the management of forest resources. The Board encourages persons, agencies, organizations and industries to implement development programs for forest resource management and counsel them in such development. In addition, the Board recommends plans for improving the state system of forest protection, management and replacement, and shall prepare an annual report on the progress and conditions of state forestry work. To learn more, see the Code of Virginia 10.1-1103 Powers of the Board.

Read the operating Policy and Procedure 1-3 Conduct of Board of Forestry Meetings

Board Membership

The Board of Forestry is composed of 13 members appointed by the Governor for a term of four years in accordance to the Code of Virginia §10.1-1102 Board of Forestry.

The Board is composed of elected officials from various forest industries as well as landowner representation to ensure a diversity of backgrounds and interests are represented.

  • At least two members represent the pine pulpwood industry
  • At least two members represent the pine lumber industry
  • At least two members represent the hardwood lumber industry
  • At least one member represents the timber harvesting industry
  • At least two members represent small forest landowners
  • Four members are at-large members

In making appointments to the Board, the Governor shall consider the geographic diversity of Board membership as it relates to Virginia’s forest resources.

The State Forester shall serve as executive officer of the Board.

The meetings and dates will be determined by the Board as far in advance as practical for the benefit of the members and the Commonwealth’s notification process. Proposed timeframe of meetings for each year will be:

  • First meeting of the year in March at VDOF Headquarters Office to recommend Reforestation of Timberland rates and elect officers.
  • Fall discussion meeting to focus on select topics, which may be held at a location related to the topic being discussed.
  • At least one additional meeting, preferably in conjunction with an association annual meeting or Expo Richmond.
  • Spring meeting in May or June.
  • Summer meeting in August or September.
  • Additional meetings called, if desired.
  • Winter legislation meeting held in December or January to discuss proposed legislation or budget items, which may be held in conjunction with Agribusiness Council banquet.

View the current Board of Forestry Members.

Meeting Notes

All of our board minutes are available in our Resource Library below.

Board of Forestry Resources

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