Category: Urban and Community Forestry

Field Notes

Field Notes: Nepal: A Pioneer Country in Community Forestry Management

September 17, 2018 - by Area Forester Manij Upadhyay About a year ago, I transitioned from working in the Department of Forests in Nepal as a forest officer to the Virginia Department of Forestry. Here, I want to share some information about the community forest management system of Nepal, which is the most common practice. Nepal is a beautiful landlocked country with a total population of 28.98 million people.  The country covers a total... Read More


VDOF in the Spotlight at Project Plant It! Event

May 11, 2018 - by Suyapa Marquez, Senior Community Affairs Representative for Dominion Energy VDOF representatives visited Oak Grove Elementary  (Richmond Public Schools) on April 24 to support an interactive Arbor Day event with the third-graders. The students were culminating their study of Project Plant It!, the free environmental education program created by Dominion Energy to teach kids about the importance of trees and how to plant trees. The rainy day didn’t dampen the enthusiasm... Read More


Petersburg Third-Graders Boost Science Skills With Project Plant It!

April 24, 2018 - by Suyapa Marquez, Senior Community Affairs Representative for Dominion Energy Page Hutchinson, VDOF’s forest education specialist, gave a special forestry presentation to all third-graders in Petersburg public schools on March 19. Students from the area’s four elementary schools came in two shifts to Walnut Hill Elementary School for an educational field trip that will help boost their science skills when the SOL testing period begins. The field trip is part of... Read More

Field Notes

Field Notes: The Wind in the Willows, Oaks, Pines …

March 8, 2018 -  VDOF Urban Forest Conservationist Jim McGlone March 2018 came in like a lion, roaring with sustained winds of 25 to 30 miles an hour.  Predictably, trees fell on power lines causing fires that VDOF personnel worked hard to put out.  Media reports highlighted the mayhem falling trees caused; but there was another big story that didn’t make headlines: while thousands of trees fell, hundreds of millions of trees did not... Read More