Adult Programs and Workshops

Woodland Owners’ Retreats

Hosted by Virginia Department of Forestry and Virginia Cooperative Extension, these weekend programs are geared to “beginning” landowners – those who are new to forest management. In addition to informative presentations, tours, and hands-on activities, the retreats offer an opportunity to network with natural resource professionals and other landowners. Three retreats are held each year, in eastern, central, and western parts of the state.

Learn more about and register for Woodland Owners’ Retreats.

Woods and Wildlife Conferences

These annual conferences are a one-stop shop for forestry and wildlife topics of interest to owners of small or large acreage. Workshops are usually held in February or March, in Culpeper and Roanoke.

Learn more about Woods and Wildlife Conferences.

Preparing for Generation Next Workshops

The Virginia Department of Forestry and Virginia Cooperative Extension offer this annual series of workshops, designed to help forest owners plan to pass their woodland legacy on to the next generation. The workshops bring together natural resource and legal professionals to pass along knowledge, tools, and contacts for keeping land intact, in forest, and in the family.

Learn more about and register for Generation Next Workshops.

Virginia Forest Landowner Education Program (VFLEP)

The Virginia Forest Landowner Education Program (VFLEP) partners with VDOF and many other agencies and organizations to offer science-based educational opportunities for new and experienced forest landowners.

Learn more about Virginia Forest Landowner Education Programs.

Virginia Master Naturalist Program

VDOF is a sponsoring agency for the Virginia Master Naturalist Program, a statewide corps of volunteers providing education, outreach, and service dedicated to the beneficial management of natural resources and natural areas within their communities.

Learn more about the Virginia Master Naturalist Program.

Additional Resources

View our event calendar to find other upcoming opportunities.

Contact Us

If you’re interested in a local group educational program, contact your local VDOF forester.

For more information or questions, e-mail us or use our contact form.