State Forest Education and Demonstration 

Virginia state forests offer abundant opportunities for learning about natural resources, forestry, water resources, and wildlife, as well as a visible demonstration of forest management techniques.

Self-Directed Learning

Some state forests have nature trails with interpretational signs to help educate visitors about what they see. Bring along our Common Native Trees of Virginia Identification Guide and Common Native Shrubs and Woody Vines of Virginia Identification Guide along to a state forest and learn about identifying the most common trees in Virginia.

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Virginia Department of Forestry offers many informational publications on a variety of subjects for self-learning. Browse our Resource Library.

Formal Education Programs

Formal educational programs at state forests for groups may be arranged at some state forests for youth and adults.

For more information or questions about educational program opportunities, e-mail us with “state forest name” in the subject line.

If you’re interested in educational programs and are located in southwest Virginia, read more about Matthews State Forest Education Center.


While camping, either temporary or permanent is not permitted on state forests, the state forest manager may issue special Camping Permits for organized groups or special events, such as Boy or Girl Scout Troops. Contact the e-mail the state forest headquarters about group Camping Permits.

Help Support State Forest Education

You can support educational programs on your state forests by donating a portion of your state income tax refund to Virginia’s State Forests Fund. Virginia State Forests are fully self-supporting except for donations. Conservation education activities for all ages (self-guided and structured) are funded through generous taxpayer contributions to Virginia’s State Forest Education Fund tax check-off.

To contribute to the Virginia’s State Forests Fund, use the number “73” on your state tax form to identify the Virginia Department of Forestry as the recipient of your contribution. Thank you to all who have contributed in support of State Forest education!

Additional Resources

Read more about educator resources available.

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Contact Us

For more information or questions, e-mail us with “state forest name” in the subject line for specific state forest inquiries or use our contact form.