Forest Management and Health

Healthy, well-managed forests are essential to our economy and provide benefits to people and wildlife in Virginia. The Virginia Department of Forestry (VDOF) works with partners and private landowners throughout the state to develop, conserve, and protect sustainable forest resources.

VDOF field staff across the Commonwealth serve as trusted advisors to landowners and help them achieve their property goals. By providing technical assistance and developing management plans, field staff assist landowners in managing their forestland for forest products, water quality, historic resources, and wildlife habitat.

VDOF works diligently to conserve and restore forestland (and the waters that flow from them) for current and future generations. Through cost-share incentives and the landmark Reforestation of Timberlands  (RT) Program, the agency helps landowners to sustainably manage their forest resources and reforest their land after harvests.

In response to increasing forestland conversion and fragmentation, the Forestland Conservation program was established to help keep Virginia’s forest intact and in forest. The program supports this objective through conservation easements and acquisitions, intergenerational land planning outreach, and acknowledgement programs for forestland owners.

The Forest Health program aims to protect and improve Virginia’s forest resource through prevention and detection of major forest pests, pathogens, non-native invasive plants, and other disturbances. Through surveys, monitoring, and data collection, VDOF is able to make recommendations and decisions to land managers based on unbiased scientific data. Forest health staff and partners provide technical assistance, training, and outreach to the forestry community regarding pest identification and forest health concerns.

VDOF has been growing seedlings for Virginia landowners for more than 100 years. The agency operates two  seedling nurseries which grow seedlings for reforestation, riparian plantings, and more. When you put your money in the ground in the form of seedlings, you need to start with the best stock available; stock suited for Virginia soils and climate.

Forest Management and Health Resources

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Forest Management and Health News

Fighting Bugs with Bugs | Dec 9, 2022

A Prickly Problem | Oct 5, 2022

Don’t Judge a Tree by Its Color | Aug 25, 2022

Ghosts of Forests Past | Jul 6, 2022