Forest Health

What is Forest Health?

Forest health is involved in every aspect of forest management. This includes the establishment of appropriate, healthy trees on productive sites; proper forest management practices that favor vigorous growth of the best trees; reduction of losses to insect and diseases; and well planned, careful harvesting that protects standing trees from injury and protects streamside forests. Weather events, non-native plants, insects, and diseases also compromise the health of forests and can disrupt forest processes. The VDOF Forest Health program focuses primarily on four actions:

  • Monitoring and surveying Virginia for forest health disturbances
  • Utilizing many pest control methods (integrated pest management)
  • Technical assistance to landowners
  • Resource assessment, Geographic Information Systems (maps), and data management

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Additional Resources

Learn more about many forest health disturbances in the Southeastern US at the Southern Research Extension Forestry Forest Health Website.

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GIS Data Resources

VDOF has made available various GIS data sets related to forest health (GIS software required.)

GIS Data Set

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Forest Health Resources

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