Financial Assistance Programs for Forest Health

Forest health financial assistance programs are offered to assist landowners and forest managers in Virginia as they manage their trees and land, and to benefit forests in Virginia overall.

Pine Bark Beetle Prevention Assistance Programs

The southern pine beetle is a destructive native insect that threatens pine forests. Good forest management practices like thinning can help reduce losses from this insect. There are currently three cost-share programs available through the Pine Bark Beetle Prevention Cost-Share Program. All programs exist to offer incentives to landowners and loggers for specific forest management projects aimed at improving the health of managed pine stands in Virginia.

Read more about Pine Bark Beetle Prevention Assistance Programs.

Emerald Ash Borer Treatment Program

Treating ash trees for this destructive non-native insect increases the chance of preserving genetic material of ash trees throughout the state. The Emerald Ash Borer Cost-Share Program can help landowners and organizations offset up to 50% of costs for treatment of ash trees through stem injections with emamectin benzoate insecticide.

Read more about the Emerald Ash Borer Treatment Program.

A variety of financial assistance programs are available through VDOF and partner agencies for forest management activities to improve forest health.

Explore All Financial Assistance Programs

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