Emerald Ash Borer Treatment Program

Treating ash trees for this destructive non-native insect increases the chance of preserving genetic material of ash trees throughout the state. The Emerald Ash Borer Cost-Share Program can help landowners and organizations offset 50% of costs for treatment of ash trees through stem injections with emamectin benzoate insecticide. Payment may not exceed $7.50 per inch diameter at breast height or $1250 in cost share payments to landowners or $5,000 in cost share payments per organization.

Eligible trees must be green, white, black, blue, pumpkin or Carolina ash that are 12 inches diameter at breast height (DBH) or greater. There cannot be more than 30% crown loss on eligible trees (at least 70% live crown) and all trees must be assessed by a VDOF forester prior to enrollment.

Eligible areas of the state may adjust annually to better target funding toward areas where treatment can make the most impact. View the Emerald Ash Borer Cost-Share Program publication in the Resource Library below for the most up-to-date information.

To Apply

Complete Form 6.5 Emerald Ash Borer Program Cost-Share Application. If there are multiple landowners, Form 3.10 Multiple Landowners Supplement will be required.

Apply by contacting your local VDOF forester.

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Additional Resources

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