Quarantines in Virginia

Quarantines are a tool utilized by state and federal agencies to slow the spread of a new invasive pest species once detected in a new locality. A quarantine is an official decree to enforce measures that may prevent the entry of pests in new areas or keep them from spreading from areas where they have already established. In Virginia, there are quarantines in place for a few species of insects that could impact the forestry community. These quarantines are regulated and enforced by the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.

Spotted Lanternfly

The spotted lanternfly was detected in Virginia in 2018. The current information on the quarantine of this pest can be found at these sites:

Learn more about the spotted lanternfly quarantine in Virginia.

Spotted Lanternfly Quarantine Map.

Red Imported Fire Ant

A quarantine went in place for the red imported fire ant in 2009.

Learn more about the red imported fire ant.

Red Imported Fire Ant Quarantine Map.

Thousand Cankers Disease

This disease complex impacts black walnut trees. The quarantine restricts the movement of walnut material out of the impacted counties and localities.

Learn more about what articles are regulated with this quarantine.

Thousand Cankers Disease Quarantine Map.

Spongy Moth (Lymantria dispar)

The Office of Plant Industry Services, within the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, surveys every year to determine when spongy moth population levels warrant adding new localities to the spongy moth quarantine.

Learn more about the spongy moth quarantine.

Spongy Moth Quarantine Map.

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