Century Forest Recognition


Established in 2016, the Virginia Century Forest Program recognizes those individuals and families who have made a long-term commitment to enhancing the environment and protecting the quality of life for their fellow Virginians through forestry. The program honors families in the Commonwealth whose property has been in the same family for 100 years or more and includes at least 20 contiguous acres of managed forest. The Century Forest designation is intended to be an honorary recognition for landowners of qualifying properties.

The application form and process provide landowners an opportunity to demonstrate how their family property meets the program criteria and attest that the information provided is true and accurate to the best of their knowledge.

To Apply

Submit Form 10.3 Century Forest Application and supporting documentation to the Forestland Conservation as designated on the application form.

If your family and property may be eligible, contact us to apply.

Existing Century Forest Landowners

Join more than 50 landowners already recognized as Century Forest landowners.


Additional Resources

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Contact Us

For more information or questions, email us or use our contact form.