Find a Forester

When to Consult a Forester

Forest management is a long-term endeavor, primarily because trees can take a long time to grow to maturity. So, the results of good management, as well as poor management practices, will have long lasting effects on the health and value of the forest. This is why it is so important to get professional forestry advice before making long- and short-term management decisions. Wise landowners will learn about their forest resources, find resource professionals to help them develop a plan to manage those resources, so when they do act, they know what to expect and how the practice helps them to meet their management goals.

“Forester” is defined in the Code of Virginia Chapter 11. Article 13. Foresters. Individuals with ten years of experience are permitted to use the “Forester” title under the Code of Virginia §10.1-1181.12.

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Services Provided by Your Local VDOF Forester

The Virginia Department of Forestry (VDOF) employs a network of professional foresters who work across the state assisting landowners in managing their forestland to meet their short-term and long-term goals and objectives. VDOF foresters can help landowners learn about their forest and natural resources and provide assistance, such as:

  • Prepare forest management and pre-harvest plans with recommended practices.
  • Identify insect and disease problems that can affect the health of the forest.
  • Provide lists of contractors to implement management practices.
  • Help landowners apply for federal and state cost-share assistance programs.
  • Coordinate planting services.
  • Prescribed burning services.

In Virginia, public sector foresters cannot do timber inventory or appraisal, or sell timber on private lands. Therefore, VDOF foresters cannot assess or discuss timber values. Some service are provided to the landowner at a cost.

Find a VDOF Forester

Services Provided by a Private Consulting Forester

You may also consider hiring a private consulting forester to assist you with your forestland. Private sector foresters can provide professional forestry advice and service on a variety of forest management activities, such as:
  • Preparing management plans.
  • Perform timber inventory.
  • Conducting timber sales.
  • Planting new seedlings.
These private consulting forester services are provided to the landowner at a cost. A private consulting forester will be able to estimate the value of the trees, understand market conditions and the land’s accessibility, and help the landowner find a reputable logging contractor to buy the trees.

Find a Private Consulting Forester

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