Find a Private Consulting Forester

Services Provided by Private Consulting Foresters

Private sector foresters can provide professional forestry advice and service on a variety of forest management activities, from preparing management plans, to timber inventory, to conducting timber sales, to planting new seedlings, and everything in between. These private consulting forester services are provided to the landowner at a cost.

Using the services of a private consulting forester is especially important when selling trees. Timber values are often dependent on the tree species, the straightness and the size of the trees, as well as the weather conditions, how accessible the forestland is, and whether the market conditions are good or bad for the trees that are being harvested. A private consulting forester will be able to estimate the value of the trees, understand market conditions and the land’s accessibility, and help the landowner find a reputable logging contractor to buy the trees. In Virginia, public sector foresters cannot do timber inventory or appraisal or sell timber on private lands. Therefore, VDOF foresters cannot assess or discuss timber values.

Professional forestry assistance can answer many of the landowner’s questions, help them to plan for possible pitfalls and make practicing good forest management a successful endeavor for themselves and for future generations.

“Forester” is defined in the Code of Virginia Chapter 11. Article 13. Foresters. Individuals with ten years of experience are permitted to use the “Forester” title under the Code of Virginia §10.1-1181.12.

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