Wildlife Management

In addition to being managed for timber and other products, forests can be managed for wildlife. In many cases, good forest management activities can also benefit wildlife species. There are a variety of management practices that benefit wildlife primarily through providing for their habitat needs, such as shelter and food. By managing characteristics of forests, including successional stage and species composition, a well-managed forest can meet the habitat demands of a diversity of wildlife species.

Succession refers to the progression of vegetation types and plant communities after a disturbance. This usually begins with herbaceous plants, then small shrubs and bushes, and eventually becomes a mature forest. Providing a mixture of successional stages in a forest is key to ensuring a variety of wildlife species. Total tree harvesting methods can be useful in encouraging early regeneration plants to grow, while thinning and crop tree release can allow for an increase in mast production in mature trees. Wildlife, such as grouse, quail, squirrel, and turkey, may benefit from such management.

If trees fail to produce acorns, or disturbances related to diseases and pests occur in the forest, managing species diversity within the forest and herbaceous plant community can help ensure food security for wildlife. For example, certain oak species may not bear acorns every year, so a variety of oak species should be maintained in addition to other species that produce mast, such as hickory, dogwood, and red cedar.

It is also important to note that streamside management zones (SMZs), undisturbed buffer strips, should be established along stream banks to help preserve water quality for fish, aquatic life, and waterfowl. Buffer zones should be created within 50 feet of a stream, and no more than 50% of the timber volume should be removed.

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