Virginia Trees are Best for Virginia Land

Seedlings grown at our Virginia Department of Forestry (VDOF) nurseries are grown here in Virginia and, therefore, well-suited and climatized for Virginia land and climate. VDOF also has a robust research program to continually study and improve nursery practices and seedling stock for Virginia landowners.

Read more about our research program.

Pine Seedlings

The VDOF nursery grows pine seedlings, following practices developed over many years as a result of pine forest research through the VDOF research program.

Read more about pine forest research.

Loblolly Pine

Advantages of VDOF-grown seedlings include:

  • Improved genetics for fast-growing, straight, and disease-resistant seedlings.
  • Increased growth and yield over unimproved seedlings.
  • Increased profits from improved growth.
  • Completely dormant seedlings (which will withstand shipment and planting significantly better than non-dormant seedlings).
  • Top-clipped seedlings to controls the shoot/root ratio, contributing to excellent survival rates.
  • Pioneered pales weevil treatment.

Read more about our tree improvement and genetics.

The Importance of Dormancy

Virginia is toward the northern end of the loblolly growing range. Virginia loblolly seedlings go completely dormant because they are exposed to colder weather. Seedlings that are grown in other regions of the south (and exposed to warmer weather) do not go completely dormant. Dormancy is important because it allows our seedlings a longer storage time (up to two or three months) without affecting survival. Dormant seedlings can withstand shipment and out planting much better than non-dormant seedlings.

Genetically-Superior Loblolly Pine Seedlings

Virginia’s family selections are blended into four selections based on productivity from lowest to highest are:

  • Premium – Provides a 50% or greater gain compared to unimproved seedlings
  • Elites – Provides a 60% or greater gain compared to unimproved seedlings
  • Virginia Best – Provides a 65% or greater gain compared to unimproved seedlings
  • Control Pollinated – Provides a 90% gain or higher compared to unimproved seedlings.

For more detailed information on the genetics and p-value rating system, view our publication Virginia’s Best Genetics in Loblolly Pine.

Hardwood Seedlings

The VDOF nursery grows hardwood seedlings from acorns collected around the Commonwealth. In fact, the nursery depends heavily on citizens to collect acorns in the late summer and early fall to collect enough seed for our hardwood nursery. The nursery follows practices developed over many years as a result of hardwood forest research through the VDOF research program.

Read more about hardwood forest research.

Additional Resources

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