Virginia Grown Forest Products

The Virginia Grown Forest Products program was launched in 2012 to better connect consumers and the forest products industry in the important areas of jobs, economic impact and the sustainability of our forests. By promoting the Commonwealth’s forest products industry, you are ensuring consumers know more about the forest products they purchase and use. Research has shown that a significant number of people are concerned about the sustainability of our forests and may turn from forest products for fear of depleting what, in reality, is a renewable resource.

Through a partnership of the Virginia Department of Forestry and the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, the Virginia Grown Forest Products program is designed to effectively brand home-grown wood products and to reassure consumers that their purchases of products derived from locally-grown trees are actually helping and not hurting the forests of Virginia.

How the Program Works

The Virginia Department of Forestry has a small number of promotional items that are available to help forest product producers and retailers inform and educate consumers about the benefits of buying locally grown and locally manufactured wood products.

Additional Resources

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