Growth and Yield of Trees and Forests

Whatever one’s goals for their forestland, it is very useful to have an idea of what activities might help achieve them. This is the value of growth and yield modeling – by measuring numerous plots of trees across a wide range of site conditions and activity regimes, we then use those data and statistical techniques to accurately predict how future forests will develop. These prediction techniques help landowners decide what to do and understand what to expect – both ecologically and financially – from their actions.

What We Have Learned

Our collaboration with the Virginia Tech/North Carolina State Forest Productivity Cooperative and the Virginia Tech Forest Modeling Research Cooperative have helped develop the Loblolly Pine Decision Support System, which integrates a number of models to give foresters a user-friendly method of comparing the effects of different silvicultural options on forest structure and cash flow during the life of the stand.

Ongoing Projects

We continue to install and monitor long-term plots in conjunction with that project so that the models can be continuously updated with data from the most current genotypes grown under the silvicultural regimes being employed by today’s landowners.

Additional Resources

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