Pine Forest Research

Pine plantations are important to Virginia’s economy and are, therefore, a high priority for scientific study. Applying research results to operational plantations has been the key to enhancing the productivity of our pine forests. We have more than doubled the productivity of Virginia’s pine plantations over the last 60 years.

What We Have Learned


The first step along the path to increased productivity was the recognition that artificial regeneration (i.e., planting seedlings) was essential. Studies helped us determine the best methods for handling, transporting, and planting seedlings to maximize their survival and early vigor.


The next limitation to be recognized was the fact that local seed sources outperform those from more distant locations. This led to the development of the tree improvement program and seed production orchards to most efficiently provide seed for our nurseries.


Studies comparing different practices for establishing and managing pine stands have given us greatly improved methods for controlling competing vegetation, managing soil nutrient resources through fertilization, and selecting and maintaining the best stand configuration through planting density and thinning regimes.

Ongoing Projects

We continue our studies of pine forest subjects like: combinations of thinning and fertilizer for maintaining forest vigor and increasing productivity (in collaboration with the Virginia Tech and North Carolina State Forest Productivity Cooperative); effects of planting density and supplemental planting (interplanting) to maximize product yields; effects of various competition control methods and strategies; planting and genotype deployment patterns to address varying product objectives; performance of containerized seedlings, and a comparison of options for storing and shipping seedlings from the nurseries.

Additional Resources

Learn more about forest inventory at the USDA Forest Service Southern Research Station.

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