Tree Improvement and Genetics

Ensuring the supply of high-quality loblolly pine seedlings for regenerating harvested plantations is a critical effort. Studies have shown that every 0.1% increase in growth achieved by tree improvement has an impact of approximately $14 million on Virginia’s economy. The VDOF supports the ongoing selection, testing, and deployment of the best loblolly, shortleaf, eastern white, and longleaf pine seedlings for Virginia citizens. Our tests involve comparisons of new open-pollinated and control-pollinated seedlings. We are currently in our fourth generation of progeny tests in collaboration with the North Carolina State University Tree Improvement Program and planning is underway for the fifth generation of selection, breeding, and testing.

What Does Tree Improvement Mean?

Prior to tree improvement, loblolly seeds were collected from “unimproved” natural stands – mostly from trees felled during logging operations. In 1956, the North Carolina State University Industry Cooperative Tree Improvement Program was created. Our objective as a co-op member is to select, breed, test, and deploy trees that result in economic benefit to Virginians. The result of nearly 65 years of that effort is loblolly pine seedlings that grow nearly twice as fast as the original unimproved stands.

Ongoing Projects

Tree improvement is still primarily driven by installing large-scale field studies to compare the growth and health of selected families of trees. This involves two to four of these “progeny” tests each year. In addition, there are studies to determine better seed production methods and to look for faster ways to make new selections (i.e., to shorten the time it takes to get better seedlings in the hands of Virginia’s landowners).

Additional Resources

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