Strategic Plan

The five-year strategic plan for the Virginia Department of Forestry (VDOF) is the culmination of efforts from many people; more than 72 percent of VDOF staff and many of our constituents provided input into the plan’s development. We thank all who participated in creating a shared vision to move the agency from focusing on the things we do – and do well – to the outcomes we want and need to achieve in the future.

Summary of Strategic Goals

The six goals at the center of the plan serve as enduring priorities that provide a clear focus. The objectives and strategies supporting the goals provide a roadmap to guide the everyday decisions and actions of our entire staff.

Protect the forest resources and the citizens of the Commonwealth from wildfire, and reduce impacts to the forest from other threats.

Support a strong forest economy by ensuring a productive and sustainable resource, and promoting diverse markets for Virginia’s forest products.

Increase the social, environmental and economic benefits provided by trees and forests.

Attract, develop and sustain the agency workforce to carry out our mission.

Continuously improve agency efficiencies and effectiveness, and ensure that VDOF has the necessary resources to carry out the mission.

Broaden outreach and collaboration to increase our influence, and generate support for VDOF and our mission.

Additional Resources

Read the complete Strategic Plan and other strategic planning documents in our Resource Library below.

Strategic Plan Resources

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