Field Notes: VDOF Supports Dominion Energy’s Project Plant It!
June 24, 2019 6:08 pm
by Sara Hunt, Project Plant It!
Page Hutchinson, the VDOF’s forest education specialist, shared her knowledge of trees with students who were enrolled in Dominion Energy’s Project Plant It! program. During the month of April, she visited Meriwether Lewis Elementary in Albemarle County and Thomas Jefferson Elementary in Louisa County.
Her interactive presentations helped the students understand more about the products that come from trees and also about the important role that trees play in the ecosystem. Students especially enjoyed voting thumbs up or thumbs down on whether an item came from a tree or not. Also, they loved the “Tree Factory” activity where they acted out all the different parts of a tree to learn how complex trees really are. As you can tell from the photos, Page generated a lot of energy and excitement about trees for these lucky students.
The media team for Albemarle County Public Schools created a cool video featuring Page:
Project Plant It! was developed in 2007 by Dominion Energy to educate children about the benefits of trees and to improve the environment by planting trees. Each participating student received a redbud tree seedling to plant for Arbor Day. Dominion Energy partners with the Virginia Department of Forestry to enhance learning through these fun forester presentations to selected schools. For more information, visit

Page Hutchinson at Thomas Jefferson Elementary School.

Page Hutchinson at Meriwether Lewis Elementary School
Tags: Partnerships, Project Plant It
Category: Education, Urban and Community Forestry