Water Quality Protection

Forests are vital for preserving and improving water quality. Studies have shown that the cleanest water comes from forested watersheds. These watersheds are critical sources of pure drinking water and provide habitat for fish and wildlife; they also offer recreational opportunities and contribute to our overall quality of life.

The Virginia Department of Forestry (VDOF) is tasked with promoting and enforcing the Virginia Silvicultural Water Quality Law (Code of Virginia §10.1-1181.1 through §10.1-1181.7), developing best management practices (BMPs) for forest harvesting operations, and working cooperatively with agencies and landowners throughout the Commonwealth to manage and preserve riparian buffers and protect water quality.

Two of VDOF’s performance measures involve water quality. One focuses on BMPs on forest harvesting operations and protecting streams from sediment. The other focuses on protecting and improving watersheds through forest management and land conservation.

VDOF has played an important role in the protection of our forested watersheds since the early 1970s when the first set of Forestry BMPs for Water Quality were developed. The backbone of the agency’s water quality efforts is the harvest inspection program that began in the mid-1980s. This program provides one-on-one contact between VDOF staff and the harvest operators and offers unique opportunities to educate the operators about BMPs and the latest techniques in water quality protection.

Through these water quality protection activities, VDOF helps Virginia to achieve the goals set forth in the Watershed Improvement Plan to protect the Chesapeake Bay; ensures that Virginia’s forests continue to provide clean, plentiful drinking water; and supports habitat for fishes and wildlife throughout the Commonwealth.

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