Community Assistance for Water Quality Protection

As development increases, so does the presence of impervious or water-resistant surfaces. Stormwater runoff is a factor that many cities and towns face. Trees help to offset this runoff by absorbing, redirecting, and slowing down water in our urban areas. Removal of streamside vegetation for changing land uses and infrastructure development has reduced the natural filtration of streams and other bodies of water. Communities and local governments are faced with the challenge of planning development with residential, commercial, and industrial sites for economic growth, while also creating better river function for flood control and water supply. Research has shown that adding trees is an inexpensive way to combat these issues.

Virginia Department of Forestry can assist communities and local governments with water quality protection.

Get help with planting riparian forest buffers and water quality protection.

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A variety of financial assistance programs are available through VDOF and partner agencies for forest management activities to help protect water quality.

Explore All Financial Assistance Programs

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Contact Us

Your local VDOF forester can provide guidance with planting riparian forest buffers and water quality protection. Contact your local VDOF forester.

For more information or questions, e-mail us or use our contact form.