Financial Assistance Programs for Loggers

The Virginia Department of Forestry (VDOF) supports logging contractors in their efforts to protect water quality, often offering financial assistance to logging contractors that can help offset the cost of best management practices.


Logger Best Management Practice Cost-Share Program

The implementation of forestry best management practices (BMPs) to protect water quality in Virginia on a timber harvest occurs during the course of the timber harvest. The Logger Best Management Practice Cost-Share Program focuses cost-share funding provided by the Commonwealth of Virginia’s Water Quality Improvement Fund to those areas of a timber harvest that can potentially deliver sediment to a stream. This would encompass stream crossings, associated road or trail approaches, structures associated with the stream crossing (portable bridges or culverts), equipment time and other soil stabilizing supplies (seed, mulch, etc.) needed to close out the crossing.

Read more about the Logger Best Management Practice Cost-Share Program.

Pine Bark Beetle Prevention Assistance Programs – Logger Pine Thinning Program

The southern pine beetle is a destructive native insect that threatens pine forests. Good forest management practices like thinning can help reduce losses from this insect. This program is available for first commercial thinning and is open to certified SHARP loggers (or equivalent if not in Virginia) working on parcels between 5-25 acres in size and stands between 12-22 years of age.

Read more about Pine Bark Beetle Prevention Assistance Programs.

Your local VDOF water quality staff can assist with logger financial assistance programs.

Agency Directory

Additional Resources

A variety of financial assistance programs are available through VDOF and partner agencies for forest management activities to protect water quality and improve forest health.

Explore All Financial Assistance Programs

Contact Us

Your local VDOF water quality staff can assist with logger financial assistance programs. Contact your local VDOF staff.

For more information or questions, e-mail us or use our contact form.