Stormwater Management for Landowners

Stormwater runoff is a factor that many cities, towns, and homeowners face. As development increases, so does the presence of impervious or water-resistant surfaces. Trees help to offset this runoff by absorbing, redirecting, and slowing down water in our developed areas.

Flooding rains can swell waterways to higher than usual levels. Riparian forest buffers are transition areas that protect streams, creeks, or other water bodies from pollutants. Retaining streamside forested buffers and planting riparian forest buffers along waterways in the absence of forested buffers can help protect water resources from pollutants.

How Trees Reduce Stormwater Runoff


Trunk, leaf, and branch surfaces intercept and absorb water, reducing the amount of water reaching the ground and reducing the volume of peak flows.


Growth of roots and organic decomposition loosens the soil, increasing soil infiltration rate and overall storage capacity.


Water is drawn up from the soil for the tree to use in photosynthesis. Eventually, the water is released as vapor from the canopy into the atmosphere.


In addition to taking up water, trees also uptake chemicals including fuels, solvents, and metals. Chemicals are either used as nutrients, stored, or transformed into less harmful substances. The more chemicals that are taken up by the tree, the cleaner the soil and better the water quality.

Erosion Control

Tree canopies reduce the velocity and volume of water that falls through the canopy. Slowing the speed at which this water hits the ground, allows time for surfaces to absorb the water, reducing the amount of runoff and erosion of bare soil. Tree roots also grab and hold onto soil particles keeping them in place even during large rain events.

With the proper site design and species selection, trees in urban areas can grow to their full size, live for decades, and provide continuous stormwater management services.

Landowner Actions

There are many actions we can all take around home and on our land, such as building a compost pile, using natural fertilizers and pesticides, building a rain barrel, or planting ground cover in sparsely vegetated areas, to protect water quality.

Learn more about how you can help to manage stormwater runoff and take action to help protect out water resources.

Riparian forest buffers can help protect water resources from pollutants.

Establish rain gardens or other bio-retention features like engineered wetlands and grassy swales to reduce the negative impacts of stormwater runoff from smooth, compact surfaces.

Get guidance about using forest practices such as planting riparian forest buffers to help with stormwater management.

Find a VDOF Forester

Additional Resources

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Contact Us

Your local VDOF forester or forest technician can provide guidance about using forest practices such as planting riparian forest buffers to help with stormwater management. Contact your local VDOF forester.

For more information or questions, e-mail us or use our contact form.