Equipment Assistance for Fire Departments 

Wildland firefighting often requires specialized equipment and tools. VDOF relies heavily on the assistance of fire departments and provides two key programs to help provide wildland fire equipment, tools, and personal protective equipment to rural fire departments.

Volunteer Fire Assistance Grants

VDOF provides assistance through the Volunteer Fire Assistance (VFA) grant program. The program provides a 50% cost reimbursement for the purchase of personal protective equipment (PPE), tools, and equipment for rural volunteer fire departments.

Learn more about the Volunteer Fire Assistance grants.

Federal Firefighter Property Program

VDOF provides assistance through the Federal Firefighter Property program. The program may assist with vehicles, fire trucks, generators, trailers, and more.

Learn more about the Federal Firefighter Property program.

Additional Resources

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A variety of financial assistance programs exist through VDOF and partner agencies for wildfire preparation and suppression, as well as forest management activities.

Explore All Financial Assistance Programs

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