Learn about Wildland and Prescribed Fire

Prevention and suppression of wildfires is a key part of the Virginia Department of Forestry’s (VDOF) mission. VDOF responders suppress more than 700 wildfires each year, protecting forests and property. These same individuals also use fire as a management tool, completing around 4,000 acres of prescribed or controlled burning to benefit Virginia ecosystems.

Wildfire in Virginia

The Virginia Department of Forestry (VDOF) is charged with the protection of Virginia’s forest resources from fire. The principal goals of the agency’s resource protection program are to prevent injury or loss of human life, minimize property damage, and protect resources. The VDOF has a well-defined and organized team, with every member of the agency having fire responsibilities.

Read more about wildfire in Virginia.

Good Fire vs. Bad Fire

Fire can be both a good and bad force in the forest. Under controlled conditions, the benefits of fire in forest and ecosystem management are great. Under uncontrolled conditions, fires can be disastrous – these are called wildfires.

Read more about good fire vs. bad fire.