Prescribed Burn Manager Tools

Fires play a vital role in keeping certain types of forests, grasslands, and other landscapes healthy. Many land managers embrace prescribed fire – that is, setting intentional, controlled fires in a specific area with a specific goal – as a necessary and useful tool to prevent dangerous wildfires and manage certain landscapes for long-term ecological health. VDOF encourages the responsible use of controlled burning for the management of Virginia’s natural resources.

Prescribed fire is an important tool for the management of Virginia’s natural resources. The VDOF encourages the use of prescribed fire and provides tools to assist burn managers.

Cooperative Efforts

The Virginia Prescribed Fire Council is a unique group in Virginia focused on promoting the use of prescribed fire for ecological benefits. Its membership includes representation from nearly every entity in the Commonwealth with an interest in increasing the use of controlled fire for managing Virginia resources.

Certified Prescribed Burn Managers

To promote the use of prescribed fire in Virginia, as well as raise the knowledge and awareness of Virginia’s prescribed burn practitioners, the Virginia Department of Forestry (VDOF) has established a Certified Prescribed Burn Managers Program. The voluntary three-day program includes sessions on fire behavior, environmental effects of fire, and smoke management.

Read more about the Certified Burn Managers Program.

Additional Resources

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