Financial Assistance Programs for Wildfire Preparation and Suppression

Community Wildfire Defense Grant Program

Protecting communities from wildfire begins with planning and requires preventive measures be taken. The Community Wildfire Defense Grant offers financial assistance to “at-risk” communities for the development of Community Wildfire Protection Plans (CWPP) and associated mitigation projects.

Read more about the Community Wildfire Defense Grant program.

Firewise Virginia Community Hazard Mitigation Grant Program

Firewise Virginia Community Hazard Mitigation Grants are made available to organized communities through the federal funding of the National Fire Plan to help at-risk communities reduce, or mitigate, potential threats from wildfire. Virginia Department of Forestry (VDOF) completed a Wildfire Risk Assessment of the entire state to better assess the level of wildfire risk for the 4000+ individual, at risk, WUI communities identified in the Commonwealth. The next step is to take positive actions to reduce or mitigate the hazards identified.

Read more about the Firewise Virginia Community Hazard Mitigation Grant program.

Volunteer Fire Assistance Grants

VDOF provides assistance through the Volunteer Fire Assistance (VFA) grant program. The program provides a 50% cost reimbursement for the purchase of personal protective equipment (PPE), tools, and equipment for rural volunteer fire departments.

Read more about the Volunteer Fire Assistance grants.

Federal Firefighter Property Program

VDOF provides assistance through the Federal Firefighter Property program. The program may assist with vehicles, fire trucks, generators, trailers, and more.

Read more about the Federal Firefighter Property program.

Dry Hydrant Grant Program

The Virginia Dry Fire Hydrant Program provides grant funding to cover the costs of installation and repair of dry hydrants to support firefighting operations.

Read more about the Dry Hydrant Program grants.

Additional Resources

Read more about all VDOF financial assistance programs.

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