Firewise Virginia Community Hazard Mitigation Grant Program

Firewise Virginia Community Hazard Mitigation Grants are made available to organized communities through the federal funding of the National Fire Plan to help at-risk communities reduce, or mitigate, potential threats from wildfire. Virginia Department of Forestry (VDOF) completed a Wildfire Risk Assessment of the entire state to better assess the level of wildfire risk for the 4000+ individual, at risk, WUI communities identified in the Commonwealth. The next step is to take positive actions to reduce or mitigate the hazards identified. Grant priority is based on the assessed wildfire risk level for the community and for the type of project being submitted.
All grants are a 80-20 match grant. For example, if you apply for a $1,000 grant, the community must be prepared to spend $200 or provide volunteer services that amount to $200 to receive a reimbursement of $1,000. The match does not need to be a cash match, it can be in volunteer time. Invoices and appropriate forms/documents will be required prior to reimbursement. You can apply for a variety of mitigation projects that will reduce the risk to wildfires. The community must have had a wildfire risk assessment conducted within the previous five years and be working towards being recognized in the Firewise USA program administered by the NFPA.

Eligible Projects

The following are the types of hazard mitigation projects that will be considered for assistance:

  • Completion of an updated community wildfire hazard assessment
  • GIS mapping of at-risk communities
  • Individual home wildfire hazard assessments
  • Consulting services to conduct a community assessment or complete an Emergency Action Plan with the coordination of a Virginia Department of Forestry Firewise specialist
  • Mechanical removal or reduction of a hazard fuels
  • Development or improvement of existing firebreaks
  • Fuel treatments to increase a community’s defensible space
  • Dry hydrants or other water source improvements to upgrade community water resources
  • Signage to identify roads and residences
  • Non-promotional wildland/urban interface education and safety materials that will be used within the community
  • Leasing or contracting equipment and other resources to complete an eligible project
  • Other mitigation activities that are recognized on the Firewise Virginia – Formal Community Assessment form or projects formally recommended by a Virginia Department of Forestry Firewise specialist


The community will be responsible for general maintenance of the project site for the longevity of the project.

To Apply

Contact your local VDOF staff for guidance in this process. Applicant should submit Form 4.32 Firewise Virginia Community Hazard Mitigation Grant Application and supporting forms (Form 42 Forestry Grant Program Request for Reimbursement, Form AD-1048, Standard Form 424B, and Form W9) to the VDOF Fire and Emergency Response Branch.

Application Deadline

March 31 each year

Complete all forms in full and submit to:
Virginia Department of Forestry
Fire and Emergency Response Branch – Mitigation Grants
900 Natural Resources Drive, Suite 800
Charlottesville, VA 22903

A variety of financial assistance programs exist through VDOF and partner agencies for wildfire preparation and suppression, as well as forest management activities.

Explore All Financial Assistance Programs

Additional Resources

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