Protect Your Home

Living in a house surrounded by nature and woodlands can be peaceful and beautiful, but it can also be risky. Many Virginians living in and around wildlands need to consider the fire-prone nature of these ecosystems. Homeowners can take steps to protect their property and help alleviate the spread of wildland fires.

Fire is unpredictable. If there are weaknesses in your home’s fire protection scheme, fire can gain the upper hand because of some overlooked or seemingly inconsequential factor. Homeowners can take proactive steps to limit the potential damage to their properties in the event of a wildfire.

The primary determinants of a home’s ability to survive wildfire are:

  • roofing material
  • the quality of the “defensible space” surrounding it.

Take action now to protect your home.

If you’re designing or building a new home, make it Firewise from the start.

Additional Resources

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Learn more about making your home Firewise.

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